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English version - ABOUT US


You can find a wide range of veterinary instruments, kits, instruments, veterinary  equipment, both domestic and foreign producers; a wide range of suture, consumables, instruments for injection or other means and accessories for the care of animals.
We can equip any veterinary clinic, lab, canine centers specialized veterinary equipment.
Presented product is constantly updated, allowing you to expand the catalog of goods- Please track!!!
We offer to conclude a contract for the supply of veterinary instruments and veterinary goods at wholesale prices on a regular basis to wholesale veterinary companies, veterinary clinic, individuals and other organizations.
Our advantages:

- accepting applications around the clock 

- delivering goods to all cities and regions of Russia and the Middle abroad;
- quick solution of all issues;
- sale at wholesale prices;
- individual approach to each client;
- partnership programmes.
General director: Shaydullin R. B.
Skype: optima566
The list of veterinary kits and sets
1. Set of surgical needles in the pack for operations small animals
2. Set of surgical needles in the pack for operations large animals
3. Set of blades for the sanitary-epidemiological station and veterinary
4. Set of clothes for rectal examination
5. Large obstetrical kit with a folding crutch
6. Large obstetrical kit with integral crutch
7. Large extended maternity kit with a folding crutch in a suitcase briefcase
8. Small obstetric kit with a folding crutch
9. Small obstetric kit with a folding crutch in a suitcase briefcase
10. Small maternity set with solid crutch
11. Maternity kit to assist in the delivery of pigs
12. Obstetric set for dogs
13. Large anatomical set in the sterilizer
14. Advanced anatomical set in the sterilizer
15. Small anatomical set in the sterilizer
16. Set for castration in the sterilizer
17. Set for tuberculinization in the bag- stacking
18. Set for veterinarian in the bag- stacking
19. Universal set for the veterinarian in the bag- stacking
20. Set for the autopsy of the birds
21. Set to autopsy the skulls of animals
22. Set for a cattle cemetery
23. Recruitment for laboratory diagnosis of epidemic
24. Set for the capture of pathological material in the field
25. Additional accessories for the set for the capture of pathological material
26. Set of tools for sampling for rabies
27. Recruitment for the inspector to conduct the inspection of quarantine able products
28. Set for a shepherd in the bag
29. Set ambulance for a veterinarian in the bag- stacking
30. Large surgical set in the sterilizer
31. Small surgical set in the sterilizer
32. Set for the inspector to assist in the delivery of pigs
33. Set for orthopedic shoeing horses in a suitcase briefcase
420140, Tatarstan, Kazan, p. o. box 255
Tel./Fax: 8 (843) 262-99-14
8 (843) 262-54-36 – sales department
8-967-362-27-89 – purchasing departme
8-967-365-56-22 – quality department
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